I wish to share with you an old story. By gaining knowledge, we are indeed capable of great things.
It is said that the first thing that came into existence was the great hazel tree; its grand branches held within them all the knowledge of the universe. The tree flourished over the top of the well of wisdom, Tobar Segais (Tob+er Say+Geese).
Within this well, there lived a speckled salmon and the salmon often ate the hazelnuts that dropped into the well from the tree above. As such, the fish gained the knowledge once held within the tree.
It was foretold that the first who was able to catch the salmon and eat it would be granted the knowledge and that a man called Fionn would be the one who did so.
Many tried, and many failed to catch the fish. However, a poet named Finnegas, who had spent years trying to catch it, was eventually successful. He ordered his young apprentice, Demhne Máel (Dev+Nuh Mw+ale), to cook the fish for him.
Demhne did as he was told. However, as he was cooking the fish, he accidentally burned his thumb. Instinctively, he put his thumb into his mouth, not immediately realizing he had just consumed some of the salmon, and thus, gained the knowledge within the fish.
Demhne, eventually realizing what he had done, attempted to hide it and brought the cooked fish to his master. Finnegas, however, saw in Demhne’s eyes that he was hiding something, and pressed his apprentice for the truth. Demhne eventually gave in and told Finnegas all that had happened.
What Finnegas did not know was the true name of his apprentice. It was indeed not Demhne, but rather Fionn (Finn), meaning “fair-haired one.” Fionn, having gained knowledge of the universe from the speckled salmon that dwelled beneath the hazel tree, would grow to become the Fionn Mac Cumhaill (Finn Mac Cool) of legend.
Whenever he put his thumb to his mouth, he would access the knowledge he had gained from the salmon.
Fionn would become the great leader of the Fianna (Fee+uh+nuh), the personal warriors and protectors of the High King of Ireland.