How are you involved on campus?
Where do I begin? Engaging in numerous campus activities is a true blessing for me, as it adds a greater sense of purpose to my time at Moravian beyond just focusing on my studies. I am the current President of the United Student Government (USG) and have served as a General Representative and Vice President of Finance in years before. I have been involved in the Moravian Activities Council, where I have been a general representative for all 3 of my years here at Moravian. I have been serving as a Resident Advisor for two years now, both serving on South Campus in the HILL, as well as North Campus in Inner Spangenberg. I have also joined organizations like 26 Points, STARS, Senior Prom Committee, and Senior Class Gift to bridge the gap between current Moravian students, and the outside community which holds great investment in the past, present, and future of our University. I have also found myself in more academic involvement, such as Tri-Beta Honors Society, Pre-Health Club, and ODK Honors Society. All of these involvements have not only enriched my college experience but have allowed me to foster connections and reach achievements that I will hold dear for a lifetime.
What is your proudest accomplishment at Moravian?
For lack of a better word, the restructuring of USG, which I was lucky to be a part of. The restructuring involved a careful examination of the existing framework, identifying areas for improvements, and implementing strategic changes that aligned with student needs and aspirations. I, along with an amazing support system of advisors and fellow student government representatives, focused on a restructuring process that was not solely based on policy change, though it was a holistic endeavor to build an organization that our University deserves. By instilling a sense of shared purpose and belonging, the revitalized USG became a more dynamic and effective advocate for Moravian, which was my goal all along.
Why did you choose to come to Moravian?
I had an unconventional path to Moravian. I started off at another 4-year university, where I simply felt like I did not belong. As a first-generation college freshman, this could feel detrimental because there were many times I questioned whether it was the school, or whether it was me. To answer this question, I knew I had to find a school that would give me every opportunity to affirm that I belong and that my dreams are, in fact, attainable. After an extensive search, many roads led me to Moravian. Great friends, great opportunity, and most especially the sense of belonging made it clear as could be … Moravian is my home.
What are your hobbies and passions?
I have been forever captivated by the field of medicine, whether it be in the research I perform, observations and work in healthcare settings, or the eventual M.D. degree I am working towards; this holds great purpose in my life. I also have developed a deep passion for music, and have found myself playing in two bands (follow slambofficial and hydraofficialsmb for updates on upcoming gigs!). I could not go without also mentioning my love for sports, as I am surely more emotionally invested in all of my favorite sports teams more so than the average person (Let’s Go Devils, Bear Down, Go Fish, Go Dubs, Go MMA promotions!).
What is your major? Why did you pick it?
Biology with a minor in public health on a pre-medical track. The reason I chose my major is because I believe it best suits my aspiration of obtaining a medical degree in the future. Medicine is my passion, as it lies at an intersection of science, problem-solving, and human connection that has captivated me. The prospect of directly impacting lives, the same way that many medical professionals have done for me throughout the years, has been forever held near to my heart. I see medicine as not just a profession but as a lifelong commitment to learning, empathy, and contributing to the well-being of others, fostering a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.
What’s a little-known fact about you?
I am a twin! I have a twin sister who goes to another University, and even though we could not be more different at times, she’s the best sister a twin brother could ask for.
Favorite professor? Favorite class?
I simply cannot pick one class or one professor; I have loved them all! So, I would love to give a shout-out to all of the amazing professors who have contributed to my journey here at Moravian. Thank you all for your commitment to my success, it was never unnoticed and will never be forgotten!
What is your favorite thing to eat on campus?
[This] may be an opinion that is specific to me alone, though the cream of mushroom soup in the Star is delectable and surely a personal favorite of mine. Whenever they are serving this soup, you will 100% see me getting 2 to 3 bowls at least.
Where do you go to study or do homework?
The conference rooms on the 3rd floor of PPHAC. Whether it be homework, studying for exams, working on emails, and more, I have always found myself to be most productive in those spaces.
Anything else you would like to add?
I just want to give a quick shout-out to all of the amazing people that I have met throughout my years here at Moravian. You guys are my purpose within my days, and for that, I am forever grateful.