Commuter Corner: Staying Safe & Prepared During Inclement Weather
The first day of classes resulted in most of my classes being canceled and a slippery drive home. Last year brought hardly any snow, so I, along with many other commuters, faced an icy commute for the very first time.
As a person who hates the idea of driving in these conditions, I found at least some ways to make these snow days at least somewhat bearable.
First, and most importantly, check your email before you leave for class. Moravian sends updates about class cancellations or delays that dictate whether you even need to make the drive to campus. You can sign up for these updates here.
Even if Moravian decides to hold classes, check to see if your professors have canceled their classes. If your professor is still holding classes and you’re not comfortable driving, send an email to your professors asking if they are offering an option to join the class virtually, via Zoom.
If one of your classes is canceled, continue to monitor your email throughout the day as professors make decisions for classes that occur at later times.
If you do have to come to campus, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, leave earlier than usual to give yourself extra time to drive cautiously. Traffic can also delay your travel time, so factor that in, too. I’m sure most of us do this anyway, but keep your phone charged in case of emergencies. You never know when an accident can happen and you need to call for assistance. You can never be too cautious or prepared. The most important factor when traveling in poor conditions is your safety, so do everything you can to stay safe!
Keep in mind, too, that the Moravian shuttle sometimes only runs between the HILL and HUB during inclement weather, which should be specified in campus emails regarding inclement weather procedures. This means you would have to walk up from Lot X, so dress accordingly and factor that time into your commute.
Should weather conditions worsen while you are on campus, consider taking precautions. First, you can consider simply waiting out the storm or for plows and salt to clear the snow. This could be a blessing in disguise as you could use the time to study in the library and get ahead on your work.
Another option is to ask a friend if you can crash in their dorm room for the night. If the weather doesn’t seem to be clearing up any time soon, this might just be your best bet.
Also, consider keeping an emergency kit in the trunk of your car. Having this kit would be beneficial in any of the situations previously mentioned. Have items such as coolant and antifreeze, jumper cables, a spare change of clothes, batteries, a flashlight, an ice scraper, and any other items you deem important. These will be different for everyone, but consider what items you will utilize if an emergency occurs.
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, you can email me at [email protected], leave a comment, or fill out this form!