Dear readers,
Welcome back to yet another print edition! We are ecstatic to deliver yet another massive edition to you all!
We are now in the beginning stages of the HUB renovation and to say things have been turbulent would be an understatement. From that weird smell when you walk into the B&G, the intrusive fences all around the HUB, and scrambled campus offices to the new difficulties trying to find a spot to eat, this has been a tumultuous process for everyone.
Everyone on campus is struggling to deal with these renovations and they aren’t ending any time soon. Despite these troubles, however, campus life still goes on. These struggles will probably only continue as renovations continue but the Moravian community remains as close as ever. As much as we can complain about how the renovations are annoying on a day-to-day basis, I think they highlight why I love Moravian so much, the sense of community and togetherness.
The Moravian community is truly something special and it is what keeps all of us going, so thank you all for being so amazing and resilient during these difficult times.
Now, on to actual newspaper stuff.
We are excited to announce that we finally have a sports section (kinda)! While it may only be one page, we hope to continue to expand our sports section significantly, so if you are at all interested in sports writing or photography, please reach out to us.
Additionally, we have created a Comenian Spotify account where we will be regularly making new playlists for you all to enjoy! We are also going through a significant social media revamp so we will be regularly posting new TikToks and Instagram Reels, so keep an eye out for those!
Also, The Moravian Writer’s Conference will be held March 21-23 with the topic of “writing to explore.” Some Comenian editors may or may not be featured in a panel discussion on March 22 (wink wink nudge nudge) so be sure to keep an eye out!
If you are passionate about writing, be sure to submit to Writing at Moravian’s annual Writing Prize. There are prizes for three categories, first-year writing, creative writing, and public writing. Each category has a $250 prize for first place along with a runner up $50 prize.
Before I sign off: if you’re interested in joining The Comenian please join us at our meetings, which take place every Wednesday at 5 p.m. in Zinzendorf Hall, room 100. We also have secondary meetings on Thursdays at the same time and place for people who can’t come on Wednesdays. If you cannot make it to meetings, that is fine as well! We fully allow asynchronous participation so don’t feel scared about not making it to meetings.
We are looking for new writers, photographers, videographers, graphic designers, and more, so if any of those interest you be sure to stop by or email me at
The Comenian supports a wide range of content. If you want to interview students around campus, you can. If you want to make video essays you can. If you want to make short comics, you can. Whether you want to write about news, politics, music, movies, sports, video games, food, history, or anything else, I guarantee you will have a place here.
Also, if you would like to be notified by email whenever we publish a new edition of the paper – either the online or print version – please send your address to We’ll add you to our email list!
That’s all from me folks! Thank you for reading our paper and be sure to check back in for future editions!
Your editor-in-chief,