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USG Beat
- Welcome to the new board of 2024!
- USG retreat occurred on Jan. 10 and 11
- Clubs must now use a Google Form for reimbursements. It is linked to the spreadsheet that was previously used for reimbursements.
- Clubs can no longer use the reimbursement spreadsheet
- This is to streamline the reimbursement process and make it easier for clubs
- All clubs now have the tax-exempt form in their individual club Google Drives
- Honnie Spencer will be a commencement speaker at undergraduate graduation
- The Academic Planning and Programming Committee Approved Classes:
- IDIS 194/HUMS 112 Eco-literature and Rhetoric
- COLL 101.2 University Foundations
- REL/PHIL 270: Ethics in Asian Cultures.
- REL/HIST/WGSS 122: Asian American Experiences.
- PHYS 1XX: Sound Science: The Physics of Music.
- FORL/FREN 398: Literary Representation of Acadia and Quebec.
- POSC 290: Two Koreas: Democracy and Authoritarianism.
- Counseling psychology major approved
- Morgan’s Message Club charter has been approved; its purpose is to promote the mental health and well-being of athletes
- The Poetry Club charter has been approved
- The first monthly USG Club Council meeting was held on Monday, Feb. 5
- Previously was the student leadership council which was hosted by Dean Loyd but is now held by USG
- A way for clubs to connect and work together and to discuss issues going on with clubs
- Clubs bounced around potential collab ideas
- Discussed how to tighten communication with exec board members
- Clubs recommended being friends with other board members
- Talked about how to minimize the barrier between general members and executive board members
- The first Culinary Council meeting of the semester was held on Wednesday, Feb. 7
- Check out Lola’s article on this meeting for more details!
- Old items in the HUB have been “sustainably removed” and donated.