Rant of the Week: MoCo’s Slackin’ Shuttle

Photo By Erica Highhouse

If I could add up all the minutes I’ve spent waiting for the shuttle and use them over, I could probably take an extended vacation. I’d go someplace sunny and warm with clear blue tides and drinks served out of pineapples with colorful bendy straws. A place where the shuttle always arrives on time. If this place really exists, it must be paradise.

It seems like every time I’m in a hurry to get anywhere, the shuttle has become Alice and fallen into the rabbit hole. Lost in the abyss.

The worst is when you check the app only to see all the bus icons floating next to each other in the same spot over in the corner. “Hey guys, how’s it hanging over there?” I think. “Throwing a little parking lot party are we?”

The least you could have done was invite me since I’m late to class now anyway. I guess I’ll just catch the next one. Rant over.

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