Moravian University men’s soccer goalkeeper Casey Foley ‘26, became Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certified in the 2024 Spring semester. He earned his certification through Moravian’s program and is currently applying to work at the Hanover Township Volunteer Fire Company. His interest in this line of work stems from his studies as a biology major with a chemistry minor.
The class Foley was enrolled in lasted an entire semester and was twice a week from 6-10 p.m. He shared it was tough to balance his other classes, clinical hours, extra training, and finding time to practice with the team.
“I had to do, at minimum, twelve hours on an ambulance and twelve hours in the emergency department at a hospital,” he said.
He also participated in Hazmat and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) training and had to become CPR-certified. Being smart about his time and allowing sections of his day for each task was the best way to manage everything. Foley explained that, although the process was rewarding, it was hard to accomplish.
“The time I contributed to my EMT class consisted of practicing skills and reading about different things that would be on an ambulance,” he said. “I also had to know how to act in different emergencies and what medications would be used in different scenarios.”
Foley has previously done several ride-alongs with Bethlehem Township and volunteered his time at St. Luke’s. So far, Foley has thoroughly enjoyed his work.
“It’s nice to be able to help people and be the first one that lets them know that they will be okay,” Foley said.
He currently plans to continue volunteering and working hard as a Moravian University student-athlete until he can find a proper job as a fully employed EMT.