Moravian College Theatre Company Spotlight: Gabrielle Stanley

Gabby Stanley is a sophomore English major who has been heavily involved in the MCTC.
What is your role within the company?
I am the production manager of the theatre company, so my job is to publicize both our productions and the theatre company itself. I run the social media accounts for the MCTC (follow us on IG @mocotheatreco!), design flyers, post those flyers around campus, and any other thing I can think of to bring people down to our tiny little Arena Theater! Aside from that, I’m also involved in productions both acting and in stage crew/management.
What was your favorite production that you were involved in?
My favorite production so far would have to be Last Lists of My Mad Mother, which was a reading we put on last spring. It was the first time I played a “lead” role (or, as close as you can get to a lead role in a show with a cast of three), so it will always hold a special place in my heart. I also loved working with Dr. Reid and Bill Bauman (and Jillian, of course!). It was a really fun experience overall, and a fantastic script to bring to life onstage. To be honest, I’m sad it was only a week-long process!
How has being part of the company shaped you as a person?
Well, in many ways, the MCTC is the reason I fell in love with Moravian College. I don’t mention this often, but my original plan when I came to Moravian was to spend a semester here and then transfer out, because I didn’t want to be living at home. I wanted a sort of “fresh start.” However, after auditioning for theatre on a whim, and participating in a couple productions, I really felt at home at Moravian and decided to stay. Staying at Moravian has impacted my life in so many ways, and has presented a lot of opportunities for me. I have the theatre company and its amazing members to thank for that!
What would you say to people who are looking to get involved in theatre at Moravian?
Do it. Do it, do it, do it. It’s a lot of work, but it is absolutely rewarding and you become part of a community of people who are incredibly welcoming, supportive, and all around incredible! I don’t know what I’d do without the people I’ve met in theatre. Involvement also doesn’t have to be major; you can participate in readings, which are only week-long commitments. That way, you can get a taste of what it’s like to be a part of the company (hint: you’ll probably be hooked. I know I was!). Come check us out! If you have any questions, I’m sure our officers would be happy to answer them. 🙂 Go Drama Hounds!