Rant of the Week: The Spooky Shuttle Service

A screenshot of the MoCoGo app on the iPhone, which should track the shuttle’s route.

Honestly, there’s nothing that is specifically wrong with the shuttle service. It’s the accumulation of the negatives that makes the shuttle service what it is. 

To start off: the app.

Now, I don’t know about anyone else, but half the time the app is either not working or it is showing me the wrong times for the shuttles. At one point the shuttle is 6 minutes away, and then when I look back down suddenly it has already passed me.

Still, the app’s not working wouldn’t really matter if the shuttles stayed on a specific schedule. 

That right there is my greatest peeve: even though the shuttles travel in 15 minute intervals (and sometimes 30), all the other factors are extremely inconsistent. There is no clear break schedule, so while you might think the next shuttle is coming in 5 minutes, suddenly the driver goes on break and then you’re sitting there waiting for 15 minutes at 2:20 when your next class is at 2:35. 

Also, has anyone else noticed how all of the drivers wait for different periods of times?

I swear, at one point I was sitting on the shuttle for 18 minutes before it started moving. But then the next time I had to run up to the shuttle because it dropped people off then just kept on going. 

This all being said, I will most likely continue to take the shuttle service and say thank you to the drivers every time I get off.

It’s not their fault that the shuttle service can become such a mess throughout the day. People need to realize that if you have an 8:55, then you’re just going to have to forfeit some sleep and get down at the stop by 8:25 to make it to class on time.

So, although we shuttle users are sometimes late to class, we should be happy that we don’t have to walk a mile in the pouring rain to get to class or pay for our own transportation.