The Commuter Corner: How To Utilize Semester Break

Photo courtesy of Owen Levan-Uhler
Happy end of the semester, Hounds! Even if it was hard, we did it! Be proud of yourself for all that you have accomplished this semester. But don’t forget, there’s still more to do! So, let’s talk about how best to utilize your winter semester break.
While this break is shorter than summer break, it can still be a great time to accomplish things you may not have time for on top of your normal workload.
Before you do anything, take some time to rest. It’s called a break for a reason– so take the downtime. Practicing self-care during this time is a great way to clear your mind before the spring semester. Clean up your space, make some room for those new Christmas gifts, and organize your digital space. Take the time to binge a new show and do a face mask, too.
A great use of time over a break can be applying for scholarships. Doing a simple google search for scholarships that apply to you– it can be a 3.5 GPA, your major, or anything else– can help to reduce that student loan debt or those out-of-pocket expenses. Some good scholarship engines are ScholarshipOwl, FastWeb, and Nitro.
Something I know I did not feel I had enough time for this semester was updating my resume and my HandShake and LinkedIn profiles. Taking an hour or so over your break to update these with all you accomplished this semester can greatly prepare you to achieve even more next semester! You never know when a great opportunity will come along. I always try to keep a copy of my resume with me while on campus. You can also create a digital portfolio or digital business card. Personally, I use HiHello.
Now is the best time to secure an internship for the summer break. Use the extra time you have over this winter break to reach out to companies or individuals that you are interested in working for and interning with.
Along with this, you can either get a job or pick up extra hours. Whether you get a seasonal job or a part-time position, you can save for school and have some extra gas and spending money.
Whatever you decide to do over break, make sure you spend time with those you love, enjoy the holiday season, and take some much-needed rest after this semester and finals season! Happy Holidays and happy break, Hounds!