Commuter Corner- The Best Places for Commuters on Campus

It can feel overwhelming and tiring to feel stuck on campus for hours between classes and meetings. Knowing the best places to go for downtime, studying, socializing, etc. can help to alleviate those feelings.
The most obvious place is the Pavilion; it’s popular among students for a reason. This is the best place to hang out with friends, eat a meal, and get a little bit of homework done. I find myself sitting in a booth for hours as different friends sit between all of our busy schedules. It’s also the best place to people-watch and spot friends walking around campus!
When the weather permits, I love to get work done in the Quad. being surrounded by the rich history that is offered by Comenius, Zinzendorf, and Monocacy creates a great atmosphere for productivity.
To get a deep focus, I tend to go to the third floor of the library. I always take the study table at the farthest corner of the library. Often, I find myself sitting there for hours on end and getting done assignments I had been procrastinating on prior. The quietness allows me to focus, and being in the back corner means fewer people walking past and potentially distracting me.
Another great place for deep focus is simply an empty classroom. I often find rooms available on the third floor of PPHAC. Just be mindful that there may be classes or meetings held in that room, and you may need to leave if that is the case.
When I have the overwhelming need to lay down and take a nap when I know I will be on campus for another several hours, there are three places I go. First is the HUB lounge. The lounge has multiple couches where you can sprawl out and possibly fall asleep for a little while.
The lounge has the downside of being out in the open, and often there are events occurring in the space.
My next recommendation is the library. Past all the study rooms on the main level is a couch that can make for a great resting place. This floor of the library is relatively quiet, and the couch is hidden behind bookshelves, creating a bit more privacy than the HUB lounge.
For those who are on South Campus often, the Champagne lounge (Commuter Lounge) offers a quiet space with lockers, a mini fridge and microwave, and couches. The HILL lounge can also make for a good resting place on South campus.
Lastly, my favorite recommendation is your major lounge. Each major has a lounge on campus that is typically near the offices of that department. For example, the lounge for English majors is located on the third floor of Zinzendorf.
Feel free to comment on any of your favorite places to go between classes! And as always, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, you can comment, email me at [email protected], or fill out this form.