Halloween weekend and night are a lot of fun for students, with parties and other festive events taking place. However, it can be challenging to navigate this night responsibly as a commuter student. In this Commuter Corner, I would like to discuss how to ensure a safe and enjoyable Halloween as a commuter.
When selecting a costume, take into consideration that you will have to drive to and from campus in said costume. Don’t select an outfit that obstructs your vision or limits your mobility behind the wheel. When driving, a simpler costume is always better. Or, remove the obstructive parts of your outfit before driving.
The walk from Lox X or A to campus can be dark, so it may be smart to incorporate some sort of reflective material into your costume. This could be a construction worker costume or incorporating glow sticks, neon colors, or other reflective material into your costume.
Also, try to park in a well-lit area. That can be under the lights in Lox X or in other areas on and around campus. If you are nervous about walking alone, you can contact campus police to escort you to your vehicle. If possible, implement the buddy system as you walk to your car. You can also carpool to ensure that everyone stays together and safe.
Most importantly, be cautious behind the wheel on Halloween weekend and night. Depending on when you are on the road, you may come across children trick-or-treating. Be extremely cautious when driving past these children, as many will forget to look before crossing the street.
Keep in mind, there are many intoxicated drivers on the road and it is important to stay aware to prevent any accidents. Also, don’t drive drunk!! If you know you will be drinking, select a designated driver, take public transportation, stay in a friend’s dorm overnight, or get a ride home. Please, do anything other than drive under the influence.
Halloween is a fun night, but keeping yourself safe is of the utmost importance. Taking precautions and staying alert through the night is important to ensure a safe commute.
I hope everyone enjoys their Halloween night. I know I will!
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, you can comment, email me at [email protected], or fill out this form.
Levon • Oct 25, 2023 at 7:35 pm
Very smart and good advice of how to navigate campus