Club Spotlight: The Democratic Club

Photo courtesy of Oscar’s Place
What is your club about?
Our club is the Moravian University Democrats where we focus on political awareness, education, voting, volunteering, etc. We encourage the opinions of all Greyhounds on campus to feel safe and welcome to explore ideas.
When was your club established?
Our club was established at the end of the fall 2021 semester.
Who are your current leaders (advisors, president, vice president, etc.)?
Our e-board is:
Advisor- Dr. Jane Berger
President and founder- Brianna Nigrone
Vice-President and co-founder- Zoey Bronson
Secretary- Victoria Bottenfield
Treasurer- Sean Cardinale
Social Media Coordinator- Julie Waltz
When does your club meet?
Our club does not have a regular meeting schedule but we hope to have a guest speaker to begin the spring semester.
What is the most popular activity that the campus knows you for?
While we have not had many events or activities, our club is known for voter registration. We hope to come up with exciting events that people look forward to!!
What are the biggest challenges that your club faces?
Our club faces challenges with involvement. We have many students interested in the club, but people are often discouraged by party names and politics overall. Following COVID-19, many clubs on campus are struggling and the same goes for starting a new club during a challenging time. We often ask what students want to see the club do to increase participation.
If you could pair up with another club for an event or project, who would it be?
We would be interested in working with AAUW to discuss women’s rights, abortion access, and reproductive healthcare. Working with the Psychology Club on a mental health activity is something we would love to do as well.
What is the latest project that your club is excited about?
Our latest project was voter registration and dorm storming. We did voter registration in the HUB but also did dorm storming in the freshman dorms to register students and make sure they had a plan to vote whether in person or by requesting a mail-in ballot.
If you had an unlimited budget, what dream project would your club put it towards?
With an unlimited budget, we would love to do a trip to Washinton D.C., to do tours of places like the U.S. Capitol and other national landmarks.
How is your club feeling now that the midterm election is over?
Many of us are relieved that the election is over since people like our Vice President Zoey were actively working on campaigns. We are so happy that Pennsylvania went blue electing so many dedicated candidates. The success in Pennsylvania can be attributed to Generation Z and college students voting in record numbers.