Welcome back to the Commuter Corner! For this edition, I would like to discuss a challenge that I and many other commuters face: balancing school and a part-time job. It definitely adds another layer to an already busy schedule.
Personally, I preach prioritizing my classes and assignments. I schedule my work schedule around my school schedule. On days that I am backed up on homework, I will attempt to get a coworker to cover my shift.
And if that is not possible, I always speak to my manager about leaving early if possible. Usually, they are very understanding and able to accommodate.
Before the start of every semester, I communicate what my new availability will be to my managers. I utilize text/email, and I also tell my manager in person, just to be sure all my bases are covered.
Along with this line of communication, if you find yourself struggling, talk with your professors and managers. If possible, it may be best to cut back on the number of hours you work at your job. If you are unable to do so, let your professor know that you are struggling to balance job and school work. Most professors want you to succeed and are more than happy to work with you.
However, learning how to manage your time is key to preventing situations where you are struggling and behind. Dedicating a certain time every day or every week to completing assignments and studying is vital to remaining on top of your workload. You’ll have to plan this time around your work and class schedules. When studying, using the Pomodoro method can be beneficial as it blocks times dedicated to studying.
Being realistic with these studying schedules is important. You will not be completing quality work if you work without a break for eight hours straight. Be realistic and plan study breaks to guarantee the highest levels of success.
Sometimes I find that I am working during all of my professors’ office hours. This is just one of many reasons to utilize the resources available on campus. You will always find me in the Writing Center. There are also peer tutors that you can meet with to help your understanding of the material.
Also, make sure that you are planning according to holidays and school breaks. Often, I will pick up extra shifts during breaks, especially over the summer. This allows me to save money so that I am not worried about working as many hours during the semester.
If you find that your employers are being inflexible or working a traditional part-time job becomes too much, you can always participate in work-study jobs. These provide more flexibility because everyone on campus knows that being a student is of the utmost importance. I know students who work in the Writing Center and library and thoroughly enjoy it. They also have the flexibility of completing coursework while working.
Maintaining a healthy balance can be difficult to achieve but is very well worth it in the long run. Make sure to find a balance that works for you!
As always, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to comment, email me at [email protected], or fill out this form!