Final Editor’s Letter


Dear Readers,

Over the past three years, I have had the privilege of serving as the editor-in-chief of The Comenian. In that time, I have witnessed this publication grow in so many ways.

Our staff has blossomed to over 20 dedicated writers and contributors that produce captivating stories and up-to-date news coverage of Moravian events. We have launched our online publication, reaching a broad audience of readers. We have produced over 140 stories in just this past year. We have also earned awards and gained recognition for our efforts.

While the experience expanding the paper has been rewarding and difficult, I realize that contributing to this publication has helped me personally grow in so many ways.

When I joined the newspaper my freshman year of college, I was lost. I spent most of my time that year tucked away in the library surrounded by books and immersed in my work, overcome by homesickness and a lack of direction.

After coaxing from my first-year seminar professor, Peter Richmond, who at the time was the advisor of the newspaper, I started going to The Comenian meetings and contributing work.

Looking back now, I realize that in a lot of ways joining the newspaper was the only thing that made me return to campus my sophomore year. Whenever I would see that an article I had written was on the front page of the newspaper, all my insecurities faded away for a moment.

At the end of my freshman year, when it was announced that I was going to be the next editor-in-chief of The Comenian, I thought it was a joke. I had few qualifications to fulfill the role and my introverted tendencies made me an unlikely leader.

Over the years, though, being a part of the newspaper has helped me grow as a writer, editor, and leader. The position gave me the opportunity to overcome many of my fears and doubts in myself, while also giving me the chance to meet incredible people and write compelling stories.

The growth that I have witnessed in myself and the publication would not have been made possible without Professor Mark Harris’ care and dedication. With his constant involvement, enthusiasm, and encouragement, the online publication has been able to flourish, and each staff member has been able to learn more.  

While leaving The Comenian staff is bittersweet, I know that with the help of Professor Harris, the new editor-in-chief Elizabeth Horn and the remaining dedicated staff that the publication will continue to grow.

Thanks for reading,

Kaytlyn Gordon