Sigmund and Beaumont To Light the Darkness

Winter was most certainly on its way. Miss Sally had been feeling poorly since just before Halloween. The chill of the late autumn was of no help, and she continued to feel under the weather. As she rested, Beaumont had been a loyal companion to her. Clever boy he was. He helped keep wood on the fires that heated the house and brought her food when he could. Mr. Thomas had come around to make sure she was alright, too. The fire was warm, but the chill still broke through. Beaumont slept on her stomach to help warm Miss Sally when he wasn’t running about the house of course.
But one evening, as the sun was setting, clouds overtook the sky. Soon, crystalline flakes of snow drifted and danced down from above, the first snow of the year. The ground was soon blanketed in white, and the chill of late autumn became a wintery freeze. But then it snowed. And snowed. And snowed. The snow turned to a blizzard and seemed to nary cease. A powdery coat quickly became a meter, then two, then nearly three. Soon, they were completely snowed in, with the snow coming up high over the doors and windows.
Then Miss Sally’s house went dark. The only light was dim and came from the fires in the hearths. Beaumont went to Sigmund.
“Sigmund my friend,” he said, “The power is out. What should we do? Miss Sally is stuck in the dark.”
Sigmund wondered. He pondered what they could possibly do. He scratched his head. He put his arm to his mandible as he thought. Then, he had an idea.
“By gee, by golly, Beaumont,” he replied, “Miss Sally’s gots herself lotsa candles right? Well, let’s gather ‘em up and we can light ‘em. Light up that darkness, so we will.”
“Sigmund, you are a genius once again!” Beaumont exclaimed, excitedly jumping in place. He flicked his tail and twitched his ears. “I’ll gather the candles, you get the matches. I’ll meet you in Miss Sally’s room.”
Beaumont set off, peering through the dark rooms. He first found a basket and carried it with him in his mouth. He went to the dining room and tossed the candlesticks in the basket. He went to the kitchen and knocked the candles off the countertop. He went to the parlor and gathered the candles there. Then he ran up the stairs to Miss Sally’s room.
“Miss Sally, Miss Sally,” he meowed excitedly. “I brought you candles. We’ll make this place bright in no time.”
Sigmund swung down, his little legs holding onto a box of matches. He put them down on the nightstand as Beaumont began placing the candles around the room. Then he took a match and struck it. He went to each of the candles, lighting the wicks. Sigmund followed, carrying more matches. Miss Sally sat up in bed, watching her sweet kitty light up the room with the candles. She laughed, a sparkle coming back to her eyes as the room grew brighter and warmer with each candle. Beaumont lit the last candle. He turned to see Miss Sally sitting up and smiling. He shook his head to put out the match, then he jumped up onto the bed again. He curled up on Miss Sally’s lap. She gave him chin scratches to thank her dear companion for bringing light to the darkness, in more ways than one. Beaumont purred contently, pleased with making Miss Sally happy. A job well done.