A Pay Raise Arrives For All Student Workers
On Oct 17, a pay raise for all Moravian student workers was instated by the President’s Cabinet. Students’ pay was increased from $7.25 an hour to $9.25 an hour. For students working before that date, the pay raise was backlogged to the pay period beginning on Sept 3, 2022.
The pay raise applies to all undergraduate student workers, which is about 400-500 students throughout an academic year.
The backlogging process (retro calculation) was added to the student’s October 7 payroll. The retro calculation looked at students’ previously worked hours between the dates of Sept 3 and Sept 16 and added the additional $2 for each hour worked.
The President’s Cabinet chose to approve a pay raise because “expenses have increased, so wages should increase as well,” said Elaine Deitch, Moravian’s chief of staff.
“We want to remain competitive with other employers. It is more convenient to work on campus versus commute to another location. Many positions have flexibility that off-campus employment cannot provide,” Deitch added.
Another reason that the pay raise was put into action is that Moravian values their student workers and wants to see continued growth and performance from students, and to show student workers that they are valued by the University.
“There are other factors to be considered, including the budget,” said Deitch when asked why the President’s Cabinet chose a $2 raise and not a higher or lower raise amount.
It is not known how much Moravian is investing in student workers, a number that varies depending on how many student workers there are during an academic year.
“There are many factors to consider when making this decision, including market rate, scope of work, qualifications and expertise, Moravian University’s budget, and quantity of student workers,” said Deitch, when asked how the University would decide to instate another pay raise in the future.
Students looking to find employment for the spring semester can search for jobs on AMOS, select the “College Students” tab at the top of their page, then “Student Employment Job Postings” on the left. This page shows students all currently available jobs on campus.