In Pandemic, MoCo Staff Write to Students
Now that the word has been given that we are to remain an online campus for the rest of the semester, students have been missing the faculty that they’ve worked so closely with during these many months and years at school. The Comenian reached out to the faculty, staff, and administration, asking them to tell you — our readers — about their experiences off campus.
We will continue to update this page with responses throughout the semester, so be sure to check back to see if any of your favorite professors sent a message!
Dr. Joyce Hinnefeld
Professor of English
Moravian College student Lara Slabber gets acquainted with Wesleyan University student Anna Hauser (Joyce Hinnefeld’s daughter)—and also Rusty Hinnefeld-Hauser—during a walk on Sand Island today. Note that all kept proper social distance! Except for Rusty, sometimes.
Dr. Krista Rompolski
Associate professor in doctoral physical therapy program
Finishes her puzzle!
Vince Ramunni
Adjunct professor, sociology
Well, the house is really clean now, and I am ahead on the yard work. So, that is all good. I have to pace myself with the number of cooking shows I watch. And, of course, I will need to come up with a plan to ration bourbon. Perhaps a shave is in the offing as well. No promises there. Otherwise, I am fine.
I guess the scary part, all kidding aside, is that we have not really reached a critical stage as the numbers continue to trend upward. So, I try to stay focused on the present, as the past is just a memory and the future has not happened. If you can stay in the present, then the present is eternal. No sense spending time and energy on things that have happened since I am pretty sure I cannot change them. No sense spending time and energy on things that have not happened yet because they likely never will.
Be well everyone.
Dr. Krista Rompolski
Associate professor in doctoral physical therapy program
I did a Zoom anatomy teacher happy hour with my colleagues on Twitter, to try to connect and support each other. I’m very active on social media in my profession. Below is how I am coping on a personal level with the quarantine! I’m an avid puzzle door, and my husband gave me a series of anatomically correct puzzles for Valentine’s Day. Boy, are they coming in handy now! The picture is the start of the head and neck puzzle.

Ellen Payne
Assistant professor of athletic training
I am a part-time EMT with Bethlehem Township EMS, so I have been picking up for extra shifts on the ambulance. My schedule is pretty flexible now and it allows me to give back to the community.
John Mikovits
Instructor, nursing program
Two weeks ago, life was so much different than it is right now. Spring Break was spent skiing in the Swiss Alps and eating more fondue than is socially acceptable, but since returning I’ve been quarantined at home because of possible exposure to COVID-19 — so life went from “normal” to high alert pretty quickly. Being a nurse has increased my anxiety level exponentially but so far, so good. My family, my dog, and myself are all doing well.

The academic transition from face-to-face interactions with students and colleagues to virtual communication has been difficult, but I’m grateful for the technology that we have to keep us all socially engaged as much as possible. Preparing to teach 100% online has been a bit nerve wracking, even for a “millennial” like me. Luckily, the support and resources at Moravian have been fantastic and everyone working together and sharing ideas and strategies has made a challenging situation better for everyone – so thank you to everyone who has shared their knowledge to help our community!
As for our Moravian College community, I think it is important for us all to remain calm, yet grasp the severity of the COVID-19 pandemic and what we can do to protect ourselves and our families.
– Social distancing is incredibly important to “flatten the curve” and slow the spread. Please do your best to distance yourself from others at all times.
– Any time you are interacting with someone, pretend that you could potentially be carrying COVID-19, to protect those you may come in contact with.
– Early reporting was somewhat misleading about the impact the virus could have on younger people. While younger individuals with no signs and symptoms may act as carriers to spread disease, they are also impacted more than was initially known.
– Wash your hands often, and clean surfaces! The virus can live up to 72 hours on plastics and 24 hours on cardboard surfaces.
– Check in on your family and friends. We want to remain distant, but still stay connected as much as possible to ensure the safety of others.
– Take care of yourself. Going from a highly social environment of a college campus to isolation at home can be difficult. Protect your mental health the best that you can.
– Lastly, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re all just an email or Zoom meeting away. Lets try and stay as much of a community as possible!
Remember that we are only as strong as our weakest link. Don’t be that weakest link and please listen to the medical experts within our scientific community!
Stay safe and wash your hands frequently!
Natalie Chickey
Supervisor of secondary student teachers
The toughest thing about this quarantine is not being able to visit my mother who is in an assisted care facility. She is struggling with her “isolation.” I also feel particularly bad for our seniors, as this should be such an amazing time for them! I will never forget my last few months of my own college years! On a positive note, my dog is so happy to have me at home more!
John Rossi
Associate professor of accounting
I just volunteered – NAPFA (I am a member) is working with on a “hub for help” where people whose incomes are in jeopardy can access basic information about unemployment, tax waivers, lender moratoriums and other things that can help them stay afloat during this challenging time.

Shelley Bauder
Head volleyball coach
When we had to put our 13-year-old lab down this fall I promised my family we could get another dog after spring break…thus beginning the saga of our three-month-old rescue pup named Luna Ace Bauder. I mean who doesn’t love a puppy? And as it turned out my college-aged son was home from school, my husband just retired, and I am home as well. Certainly a ratio of three adults to one puppy is more than adequate, right? Survey says: NO!
The following story is written by Luna herself, keep in mind we have two cats as well.
Hi! I love my new family! I miss sleeping with my siblings though so I cry through the night to really let my feelings out. Sigh, hey what’s on the other side of the room? That looks chewable! Hey, what’s that behind me…why is it following me, I’m going to chase it! YAWN, I’m going to nap for a bit. WHAT IS THAT CREATURE? Why doesn’t he bark? I will get closer to investigate…OUCH! That creature has a fast right hook! Still I want to play and I will chase him, OUCH! Apparently he has a good left hook too! Oh I get to go outside and smell so many great things. I will eat this leaf, dirt, drainpipe, bush, tree branch, I may or may not pee because I’m super busy doing other stuff. Finally my human let’s me inside, good because it’s cold out there and I’m little. I will run around like a Luna-tic because that keeps the creature on his toes. Oh this seems like a good place to pee. Why is my human making those loud sounds? YAWN, I’m going to nap for a bit. Oh now I get some nummies, mmmm mmmm delish! I have to go outside again? But it’s damp out there, whine, whine. I will play a little, I will chew my leash, I will chew my human’s shoes and pants, but I will not poop because I am not in the mood. I am super fast I will bolt for the door to go inside, my persistence pays off! In I go, around the room I go, oh I’ll grab a phone charger and run around with it so my human gets some exercise too! Hey that creature’s food is better than mine! Not allowed? Who says I’m not allowed? Fine I’ll grab your slipper and see what you have to say about that! The human’s head is turned now I can poop, by the stairs, again, at least I’m consistent!