Editor’s Letter (12/10)

Photo courtesy of Nicholas Wan
Dear Readers,
Welcome to the 12/10 edition of The Comenian!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. . . for anyone who isn’t a college student, that is. Finals week is a few short days away and that means stress is in the air. This is the busiest and most anxiety-ridden time of the school year, so I must commend our staff for their dedication. Despite all the pressure that the end of a school semester brings, they were still able to produce another high-quality edition of the newspaper.
I am incredibly proud of my staff for their work this last semester. With the crew that we have, I know we can do even better next semester. I’m greatly looking forward to seeing where we take The Comenian next semester, but for now, I’d like to think we all earned a little break.
For this edition of The Comenian, we have the following for your reading pleasure.
Reporter Allie Ludlow reports on the supply chain issues that have affected Moravian Dining.
Learn about the origin of Christmas from reporters Bard Bardelli and Shayla Borger.
Get yourself in the holiday spirit by watching these ten holiday movies recommended by reporter Jack Watson.
Looking to publish your writing or artwork? Read all about The Manuscript, Moravian’s student-run literary magazine, from their president and our copy editor, Anna Litofsky, in our newest club spotlight.
Check out guest reporter Sam Hoser’s rant of the week on Moravian’s unflushed toilets and other bathroom-related woes.
Reporter Logan Palau highlights DC’s and Marvel’s inclusivity of the LGBTQ+ community in their recent comics.
Reporter Fatimah Bouri reviews Lana Del Rey’s musical career and her latest album, “Blue Banisters.”
Reporter AJ Minnich shares two reviews, one for the new animated TV show “Arcane: League of Legends,” and the video game “Mass Effect 3.” Additionally, read AJ’s thoughts on how video games are an effective media for environmental justice.
Check out Anna Litofsky’s latest comic in her award-winning “Behind the Mask” series!
Good luck on your finals and happy holidays from The Comenian!
Your editor-in-chief,