My name is Sabrina Moody, I am graduating this December, 2023, and I am a major in History.
My time here at Moravian University has not been as long as most, nor has it been in any way “normal.”
I came here as a transfer student from Northampton Community College. Moravian was my first, and actually only, choice. Being accepted was an absolute dream come true. I have lived eight minutes away from campus my entire life, and there had long been the dream to attend as a student. In the summer of 2021, that dream was realized. I had been accepted. But my journey was not going to be an easy one.
After only one semester, things took a turn, medically, at the start of the Spring 2022 semester. After a series of unusual migraines that came and went for over two months, and got progressively worse, I became so weak that I was unable to sit up. My whole life had completely turned upside down when it was discovered that I had a large tumor in the back of my brain.
This tumor turned out to be a type of brain cancer. I was forced to take the semester off and endure six straight weeks of intensive radiation treatments, five days a week, and my journey ever since has been complicated. You never expect to have brain cancer, especially not having to go through university while also dealing with lasting effects of radiation (I am brain-fried, you could say) and 15 months of chemo and its side effects.
Yet, through the support of family, friends, my fantastic medical team, classmates, coworkers at the Reeves Library, and my absolutely amazing professors, the finish line is finally in sight. I have been able to accomplish more at Moravian than I have in any of my prior schooling experiences. Having to deal with brain cancer as an additional challenge has only made me be more determined and work harder to succeed.
I am even more proud to have been accepted as a member into both Phi Alpha Theta (the national history honor society) and the Omicron Delta Kappa national honor society. High school me never would have thought I’d graduate with honors of any sort. Moravian has allowed me to recognize and act upon my true potential and become a more attentive, studious, learning-driven person than I was before.
I have also been given many amazing opportunities since transferring to Moravian.
I was able to present at the Medieval Conference in December 2021.
I am proud to have acted as the Vice President of the History Club and as a regular writer on The Comenian newspaper since Spring 2022.
I have been able to share my love of Irish history and culture, as well as create two of my favorite characters, Sigmund and Beaumont, because of The Comenian. I began writing when I was home recovering from the surgery to remove the tumor and radiation, and it allowed me to stay connected to Moravian when I was on medical leave for the semester. It also allowed for me to stay busy and have a creative outlet during the months I was stuck at home. I will definitely miss writing for the paper. I have loved every moment of it.
I have been able to serve the community and the other students through events such as Heritage Day and a video project giving a humorous take on the history of the school for Heritage Day 2023.
I have worked at the Reeves Library, at the Reference Desk since I first transferred here, but more recently I also began working as an assistant archivist for Cory Dieterly at the library’s archives.
Being at Moravian has also allowed me to work for Historic Bethlehem doing a wide variety of things, ranging from acting as a docent, to archival work, to giving presentations, to community outreach, coordination between organizations, and so much more.

I have made many true friends in my time at Moravian, too, several of whom are very near and dear to me and I am so glad to have them in my life. It has not been easy, but, despite the speedbumps, uphill battles, and Pennsylvania proportioned potholes, I find more good and positive things from my time at Moravian than anything else. I am so incredibly thankful to have been able to attend Moravian, and for everyone who has been there with me throughout my rather arduous journey.
And I am excited to say that I finished my last chemo treatment, am cancer free, and goodness gracious, I did it!
Once again, I want to thank all of my professors and the folks at the library, particularly, who have made my journey successful. I also want to thank everyone on my medical team. I really would not be where I am today without your understanding, support, and care.
I will miss being a student here but I am excited for the future. I am proud to be a Greyhound!