How to Read Reliable News Sources: Tips from MoCo Political Science Students


Dr. Haddad, who organized these tips from students.

Dr. Khristina Haddad, a professor in the political science department at Moravian College, has encouraged her students to learn how to find and read reliable news sources in this age of COVID-19. During this global pandemic, getting factual and reliable information is extremely important, but sometimes this unbiased or factual news can be difficult to find. 

Therefore, Dr. Haddad’s political science students have provided us with a few tips to make sure that our news-reading habits are up to snuff.

“Know the author of the piece better than the author knows you. Consider how an article came into your awareness. Was it sent to you by a friend? Is its appearance on your radar the result of an algorithm?”

-Bran Faust

“Think critically about what you are reading. Approach anything presented as a fact with a critical perspective on objectivity.”

-Jillian Ferrara

“Fact check! Dig deeper for fact-checking websites.”

-Kristen Cassidy

“Consider a platform and its particular audience. What is its known ideological bias?”

-David Donio

“Stay curious! Seek out news! Seek out multiple sources. You need to want to know.”

-Justin Keen

“Find a personal connection to political news.”

-Sol Moreno

“Be more analytical. Read beyond the headlines. Have discussions with your friends. When things get heated, stay calm and agree to disagree.”

-Stephanie Grande-Brito

“Read international news sources.”

-Omeed Farbod

“Look at more empirical articles. Be skeptical of articles without supportive data or evidence. Read peer-reviewed articles.”

-Sean MacFarland