Final Editor’s Letter (4/29)

Photo courtesy of Nicholas Wan

Dear readers,

Welcome to the 4/29 edition of The Comenian, the final edition of the 2021-2022 school year!

Happy last day of classes! I hope this last year has all you had hoped it would be and more. This was technically the first year of Moravian University. I feel like we can hang our hats (and our graduation caps) on being the first attendees of Moravian as a University. That’s quite an accomplishment, don’t you think? 

Before getting into the stories for our final edition, I’d first like to acknowledge our editorial staff for next semester. 

We have Fatimah Bouri as our copy editor, Logan Palau as our managing editor, and AJ Minnich will be taking over as our next editor-in-chief! Having worked with all of these wonderful people for the last year, I have the utmost confidence that they will do an incredible job growing and improving The Comenian in the future! Congratulations, everyone!

Without further ado, for our final edition of the paper, we have the following for your reading pleasure: 

A staple of The Comenian, check out our team’s senior reflections from our graduating seniors, Anna Litofsky, Dominic Trabosci, Kaitlyn Furst, and myself, Nicholas Wan. Thank you to all our seniors for their dedication to the paper; we wish you all the best going forward. 

Dominic Trabosci shares his powerful interview and podcast with Patricia Rorrer, an incarcerated woman in Muncy State Prison.

Anna Litofsky interviews Dr. Joyce Hinnefeld, as she retires from Moravian after 25 years. Congratulations and thank you, Dr. Hinnefeld, for all you’ve done for me, The Comenian, and the Moravian community! 

Meet Harrison Dillard in guest reporter Madison McNany’s profile of Moravian’s Chief of Police. 

Fatimah Bouri highlights Moravian’s final Friday Forum of the school year, covering the topic of environmental racism. 

Sabrina Moody returns for another informative article in her “Meanwhile, in Ireland” feature; this time, she discusses the misconceptions about Celtic faeries.

Our reporters share their favorite article, moment, or experience as part of The Comenian this last year. 

AJ Minnich discusses and breaks down common arguments in the long-standing Marvel vs. DC debates.

Check out these videos of Lil Greyhound and Logan Palau performing at Greyhound Fest 2022.

And finally, check out the final “Behind the Mask” comic from Anna Litofsky. 

With that, this year of The Comenian is over. I still can’t believe how fast the year went. Admittedly, I was very nervous at the start of my tenure as editor-in-chief, but I’d like to think I matured into the role over time. 

I also hope that, for our staff members, it was an enjoyable experience, even if it was challenging at times. I hope they found it to be as fun and rewarding as I have. For our readers, I hope that you enjoyed our content this past year. In addition to our usual content, we tried many new ideas, including student research experiences, ROTC experiences, incorporating more videos and slideshows, the updates from USG, and more. Hopefully you found them to be as interesting and enjoyable as I have. 

And with that, my time as editor-in-chief has come to an end. It has truly been an honor and privilege to serve in this role. I look forward to seeing everything my friends on The Comenian do in the coming years! 

