- What is your club about?
About demolishing the ranch on steroids (I mean the Haupert Union Building)
- When was your club established?
Sometime after 1742 I guess? I wasn’t born yet 🙁
- Who are your current leaders (advisors, president, vice president, etc.)?
President Kiwi Bot with it’s board of executive kiwi bots and Benny → (Mo doesn’t approve)
- When does your club meet?
Whenever you want it too the Hub demolition club has no place and time
- What is the most popular activity that the campus knows you for?
Wouldn’t you like to know
- What are the biggest challenges that your club faces?
Literally everyone and everything hating us even the squirrels
- If you could pair up with another club for an event or project, who would it be?
We would like to pair up with the PPHub club they seem pretty cool and they like us which is a bonus
- What is the latest project that your club is excited about?
Creating PPHub 2.0
- If you had an unlimited budget, what dream project would your club put it towards?
We already committed to our dream project
- How would you advertise your club to students?
We would say who needs a Hub anyway 😉
It hurts so bad …………………………………………………………………
Help me 🙁