What is your club about?
History Club seeks to make history engaging, fun, and alive for both history buffs and newcomers. We organize trivia days, history-themed activities, and educational events. Our goal is to show Moravian students how important (and fun) history can be!
When was your club established?
I’ll be honest (and this is probably not a good thing as a historian), I’m not completely sure! The club has existed since at least my freshman year, so we’ll call it at least four years old. I guess the real date has been lost to history…
Who are your current leaders (advisors, president, vice president, etc.)?
Our advisor is currently Dr. Bardsley. Our president is Nathan Pynchon, our vice president is Fatimah Bouri, our treasurer is Catherine Forrester, and our secretary is Mary West.
When does your club meet?
Generally, we meet every Friday afternoon from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.!
What is the most popular activity that the campus knows you for?
We’ve been trying out a bunch of new things this year, but so far, our most popular activity has been mammoth hunting or atlatl spear-throwing! Last week, we went to the front lawn of Comenius to throw spears using atlatls, an archaic era tool used by Indigenous Americans to hunt. We also practiced a bit of archery when we were there. Our deer-cow target fell apart, but in the end, I think it was a fantastic day!
What are the biggest challenges that your club faces?
Our club faces a big challenge in balancing what brings in history newcomers and what the history buffs would like to do. We try to differentiate each activity so that there’s something for everyone to enjoy.

If you could pair up with another club for an event or project, who would it be?
We’re in talks with the Video Game Club to organize a history-themed video game night! Currently, we’re in the process of choosing which games the event will be centered around, but we’re excited to see what we can come up with.
What is the latest project that your club is excited about?
Starting this Friday, we’ll begin working on a display that will be hosted inside of Reeves Library! We’re still in the process of generating ideas on what it will be about, but I think it will be a fantastic opportunity to share our love of history with the wider Moravian community.
If you had an unlimited budget, what dream project would your club put it towards?
Cross-country museum hopping! It would be so fun to experience every possible aspect of the country if we could take the club on a museum tour! More seriously, though, if we had the budget, we’d love to organize movie screenings, food days, and lectures from local historians.
If the club could travel back in time, when/where would you go?
17th Century Moravia, so I can thank John Amos Comenius for inventing such a cool hall (oh, and for all the fantastic advances he made in education!).