Club Spotlight: Kubb Team

Current Kubb Team Logo courtesy of Sean Carroll

Current Kubb Team Logo courtesy of Sean Carroll

Describe the club and its goals.

The mission statement on our charter states that we aim to “inspire joy and camaraderie through the interest, discussion, and practice of the Swedish lawn game, ‘Kubb,’” and I truly believe we do just that.


Who are the current leaders of the club?

I, Sam Houser, am Kubb Master General (or “President,” for those limited by the familiar terms of Western government), and equally important is Second in Kubb-mand, Sean Carroll. We run the club by organizing meetings and moderating the Discord server. That said, I like to think of the Kubb Team as at least somewhat anarchic: any and all members can contribute, and have contributed, to shaping and directing this relatively new organization. We are all leaders here. Some other notable officer positions include Secretary of Kubb Hannah Graybeal, Treasurer of Kubb Dominic Trabosci, Kubb Historian Bill Gow, and our Social Media Coordinators Jaymie Roddy and Rose Michetti.


When and where are club meetings held?

As of right now, meetings are being held at 6 p.m. every Friday in The Hill, Room 310. We usually start by meeting there and then moving to a secondary location to actually play Kubb. Suite 3F has been extremely gracious in letting us use their study room, though we plan on holding outside games once the weather and the sun permits. Members should keep an eye on the Discord for where meetings are held.


How can one join the club?

You can email me ([email protected]) or Sean Carroll ([email protected]) and we’ll invite you to join our Discord server.


When and how was the club established?

Near the end of the Summer of 2021, I and a few others in Moravian’s marching band were introduced by our band director, Aaron Hetrick, to Kubb, which we would play during breaks from rehearsal. I forget who suggested the idea of making an official Moravian Kubb Team, but we thought it’d be really funny if we created one and went, for lack of a better term, “really hard” with every aspect of it. We were all pretty busy that Fall semester, though, so it didn’t actually happen until now.


What are the biggest challenges the club faces?

The biggest problem I foresaw at the beginning was that people would get bored of playing Kubb at every meeting, but I think we’ve been doing a good job at spicing things up with other Kubb-related activities and keeping things interesting. Plus, it’s a lot harder to get bored of Kubb than I initially thought it would be.


If you could join forces with another club for an event or project, which club would it be?

We’ve already joined up with Coffeehouse to do a sponsored Kubb night on Mar. 16. We’ve been talking about maybe reaching out to MAC to hold some Kubb-related activities or even competitions, but these ideas are all still very conceptual, so we’ll see. We definitely won’t be willingly collaborating with Tabletop Club at any point, as their ideals seem to directly clash with our own. I mean, who plays games on a table, seriously? 


What is the latest project that the club is excited about?

I’m extremely excited for the upcoming Kubb Festival of Creativity. A lot of people on the team have been talking about wanting to make creative works regarding Kubb, be it art, music, media, food, or anything else. I wanted to facilitate this by holding a festival where all this could be shared and admired. We’re planning on holding it Mar. 25 in the HUB Pavilion. Feel free to come on out!


If you had an unlimited budget, what would the club’s dream project be?

I’d like to see what a large-scale Kubb game would look like. I mean really large, with Kubbs at least the size of Port-O-Potties. We’d need a lot of space and some catapults. Trebuchets maybe? I’m not sure which of those are better – I only got a 78 on my Medieval History midterm.


What is your favorite aspect of the club?

I really think the atmosphere of our team is unbeatable. The whole idea for this was conceived within the Drumline here, and I think a lot of the culture that the Drumline had has persisted into the club itself. What that means, I can’t quite put into words, but it’s something that I think is clear and present to everyone on the Kubb Team. It’s what keeps us coming back every Friday, and what makes us distinctive from any other organization on campus.